Grand Tour of Argentera and Vallée des Merveilles - Stage 4

1 point of interest

  • Refuge

    Les Merveilles refuge

    Club Alpin Français


    Capacity: 75 in refuge – Possibility of eating and having a shower

    Warden: 15th June to 15th September: Hugo PUTELAT

    (Refuge telephone):

    Winter: October to June (upon reservation): Mouloud CADDUR


    The refuge is therefore OPEN for self-catering and with a warden when a reservation is made for 8 people or more, 19 places available for hikers who have covers (2 per person) and pillow.


    If you wish to have a warden at the refuge, contact:

    Useful numbers: 

    Tende Tourism Office/Park House: 04 93 04 73 71


From the hamlet of St Grat, head along the tarmac until you reach the end of the Gordolasque road (Pont du Countet, 1690m – m411). Cross the bridge to reach marker 412. The long climb to Pas de l'Arpette will take around 2 hours 30 minutes and involves climbing some 830m upwards. You will come across the penstock and follow it along the steep Empuonrame valley. At Pas de l'Arpette (2511m – m402) you will be perpendicular to the Les Merveilles refuge.

Here you will be entering a protected and regulated area: please respect the signs you find there and stay on GR52. Along an easy path you will reach the bottom of the Vallée des Merveilles; at m93, continue along the path which heads right to the Les Merveilles refuge.
  • Departure : Saint-Grat
  • Arrival : Les Merveilles refuge
  • Towns crossed : Belvédère and Tende

Altimetric profile


Is in the midst of the park
The national park is an unrestricted natural area but subjected to regulations which must be known by all visitors.

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