Grand Tour of the Vallée des Merveilles - In the heart of the Mercantour National Park
2 steps
5 points of interest
Le refuge des Merveilles - MALTHIEUX L. RefugeLes Merveilles refuge
Club Alpin Français
Capacity: 75 in refuge – Possibility of eating and having a shower
Warden: 15th June to 15th September: Hugo PUTELAT
(Refuge telephone):
Winter: October to June (upon reservation): Mouloud CADDUR refugedesmerveilles@ffcam.fr
The refuge is therefore OPEN for self-catering and with a warden when a reservation is made for 8 people or more, 19 places available for hikers who have covers (2 per person) and pillow.
If you wish to have a warden at the refuge, contact: refugedesmerveilles@ffcam.fr
Useful numbers:
Tende Tourism Office/Park House: 04 93 04 73 71Le lac et le refuge de Valmasque le 16 octobre 2006, la cime de chamineye, (2921 m) - Franck GUIGO RefugeLa Valmasque refuge
CAF Refuge
Commune: Tende
IGN Map: 3841 OT
Departure: Castérino (entrance Park National du Mercantour)
Elevation: 540 m
Capacity: summer (54), winter (12)
Possibility of eating and having a shower
Warden: Mid-June – end September
Information CAF: 04 93 62 59 99
Out of season upon reservation: 04 92 31 91 20
CAF website: http://refugedevalmasque.ffcam.fr/reservation.html
Useful numbers:
Tende Tourism Office: 04 93 04 73 71
Park House: 04 93 04 67 00Un bouquetin mâle, (Capra ibex), couché sur du rocher en début d'automne - BRETON François FaunaAlpine ibex (Capra ibex)
From 1920 to 1930, 25 ibexes from Gran Paradiso were released in the royal reserve of Valdieri. Since 1987, reintroduction operations have been jointly undertaken by the Mercantour National Park and the Parco naturale Alpi Marittime. Today, the herds live around Col de Fenestre. The males do not live with the females. The latter remain with the kids and juveniles until they are two years old.Les couleurs éclatantes des baies du sorbier des oiseleurs ou sorbier des petits oiseaux, (Sorbus aucuparia). - GUIGO Franck FloraMountain ash (sorbus aucuparia)
A species of light, the mountain ash attempts, along with the larch and laburnum, to conquer the high pastures which have been abandoned by the flocks. Birds, particularly thrushes, love eating its seeds, which means that this elegant tree has spread far and wide. Its leaves provide light shade while its clusters of fruit are amusingly capped by the first snows. While the wood can be carved, the berries are rich in vitamin C and are used to make jam and, most of all, brandy.Epilobe à feuilles étroites, (Epilobium augustifolium). - CEVASCO Jean-Marie FloraRosebay willowherb (Chamerion angustfolium)
A companion of the fir and the spruce, assisting their reproduction, rosebay willowherb lights up the clearings with its purple flowers from June to August. Its flowers develop in bunches at the end of a long stalk which can reach 1.2m in length, giving rise to light seeds with silky hairs, allowing them to be easily carried off by the wind which distributes them onto the northern faces of mountains and beside mountain streams up to 2000m in altitude.
Altimetric profile
Specific regulations apply when you cross Vallée des Merveilles. Signs on site.
· Do not leave the marked paths
· Do not touch or damage the rock carvings
· Do not use hiking poles without placing rubber tips on the ends.
This itinerary takes place along high-valley Alpine paths. The accommodation sites listed are the only ones which are available along this route. Before heading off on a hike, ensure that you have studied the safety advice. If you are setting off on this hike in the early part of the season, you will need to take particular care as patches of snow can still be present in higher areas.Access and parking
Parking :
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