Rochegrand from the Col d'Allos

Rochegrand from the Col d'Allos

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Accessible from the Col d'Allos via the summer pastures of the herds, the summit of Rochegrand – the viewing point of Haut Verdon – allows you to discover a superb landscape.
From Rochegrand, a genuine 360° panoramic view of the great peaks which tower over the Val d’Allos awaits you: Cimet, Mont Pelat, Autapie, Grande Séolane… you will not miss a single one.

1 point of interest

  • Refuge

    Col d'Allos refuge

    Warden: mid-June to mid-September

    Capacity: 40

    • Full board: 56€/person
    • 1/2 board: 39€/person
    • Night (with shower): 19€/person
    • Breakfast: 7€/person

    Tel: 04 92 83 85 14

    Mobile: 06 71 59 11 81

    Val d’Allos Tourism Office: 04 92 83 02 81


From the carpark at the refuge of the Col d'Allos, head up the mountain. Head left onto the path which leads to “Baisse de Prenier”. You will cross Alpine pastures which provide beautiful views over the Ubaye Valley.
Go over Baisse de Prenier and continue along the path which heads south; The village if La Foux is nestled away down below on the right.
Go past the path on the left, heading down to Allos, and continue on the Crête de Cherouèche heading towards the Crête de Rochegrand, whose domed peak can be seen.
At the end of the route, the path slopes gently upwards to reach the summit. 

From Rochegrand, you will have a genuine 360° panoramic view: Cimet (3020m), Mont Pelat (3051m), Autapie. To the north stands Grande Séolane (2909m) with its characteristic shape and, as a backdrop, the glaciers of the Écrins mountains can be seen in clear weather. 

Follow the same route for the return journey.
  • Departure : Col d'Allos refuge
  • Arrival : Rochegrand
  • Towns crossed : Uvernet-Fours and Allos

Altimetric profile


A hike which is appropriate for families, but keep an eye on children once you reach the summit.
This is an area where sheep and cows are put out to pasture in the summer: remember to shut gates, don’t go too close to the herds and keep dogs on their leads.

Information desks

Office du tourisme du Val d'Allos

Place de la coopérative, 04260 Allos

https://www.valdallos.cominfo@valdallos.com04 92 83 02 81


Toute l'année.
Fermeture exceptionnelle le 1er mai.

Find out more

Access and parking

Col d'Allos, 14km north of Allos via the mountain road.
Park your vehicle close to the mountain and the refuge.

Parking :

Col d'Allos carpark


Emergency number :114

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