Rifugio Franco Remondino

Rifugio Franco Remondino

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The refuge, owned by the CAI of Cuneo, bears the name of Franco Remondino, second lieutenant of the Alpini and a young promise of Cuneo mountaineering who lost his life in 1931, at the age of twenty-one, climbing the south-east face of the Rocca Gialeo.
The current structure has 46 beds in six rooms and one dormitory. It has internal and external toilets, a shower with hot water and telephone service. A large outdoor terrace with about thirty seats and a magnificent fountain on a beautiful and sunny granite slab.
During the closing period, a winter room with 12 beds with blankets and mattresses is available. The room, located under the roof, can be reached via a metal staircase outside the refuge. The winter bivouac, due to current regulations, is not equipped with heating, gas, running water and electricity.

Practical informations

Capacity: 46 beds
Open: June 15 to September 15

Last weekends in May and first weekends in June by reservation (weather permitting). Daily from mid-June to mid-September. After mid-September by reservation (and weather permitting).

Winter room: unmanaged, 12 places. Outside the opening of the refuge, the winter room not guarded
is always open.

For more information, see the website


 Informations et réservation

 E-mail: info@rifugioremondino.it
Telefono +39 3896364622