On the Ligurian Alta Via - The Mont Torrage circuit
3 steps
3 points of interest
- History and historical trail
Chapelle Sainte-Anne
Nestled among some trees along a promontory, chapelle Sainte-Anne ovrlooks the wild valley of Bendola; every year, a pilgrimage brings several worshippers to the area, as a procession from Saorge to the smalle sanctuary. Le clocher imposant et la chapelle romane, "la Madone Del Poggio" à Saorge. - Jacques SARRUT History and historical trailOur Lady, pray for the salvation of our souls!
On 4th January 1092, the newly built chapel of Sainte-Marie, was given to the monastery of Lérins, as well as land including houses, mills, vines and meadows.
Four priests and two members of the secular clergy would reside in the house adjoining the chapel and they would sing every day for the salvation of those who signed the gift charter.
A long-term lease was signed on 10th September 1668, between the Lérins monastery and the nobleman J.F. Davéo. After the Revolution in 1789, Notre Dame du Puy became part of the family’s estate, which today has no heir, and took the name Notre-Dame del Poggio.A Saorge, toitures en lauzes et clocher. - GRANDJEAN Denis History and historical trailChapelle des Pénitents Noirs
Under the patronage of Saint Claude, the chapel is built into the frame of the houses: the gentle ochre of its wall catches the eye. The confraternity of Mercy brought together nobles to provide help for the needy. Restored and turned into a museum, it reopened its doors again in summer 1989.
Opposite the chapel, the charming Bellevue hotel’s restaurant room provides a delightful view over the Roya valley.
Altimetric profile
This itinerary takes place along high-valley Alpine paths. The accommodation sites listed are the only ones which are available along this route.
Before heading off on a hike, ensure that you have studied the safety advice.
If you are setting off on this hike in the early part of the season, you will need to take particular care as patches of snow can still be present in higher areas.Access and parking
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Information site
Point info tourisme de Saorge - Office de tourisme communautaire Menton, Riviera & Merveilles
Le point info tourisme de Saorge, labellisé parmi "les plus beaux villages de France", vous accueille dans la chapelle des pénitents rouges dédiée à saint Sébastien, au ciel étoilé typique du baroque. Info patrimoine, rando, événements... Bienvenue !